Regulatory Review Program

I just have to agree with this editorial:

"We can’t pinpoint the exact date, but readers keep reminding us that it’s 21 years this September since CASA launched its regulatory review program (RRP) to upgrade our dismally concocted, confused, contradictory and contaminated regulatory structure. The program set sail with the seemingly modest goal of introducing clear and concise regulations that were fewer, simpler, more enforceable, more appropriate, and in harmony with the rule structures of other nations.

And there was lots of industry consultation. Since the program began in 1988, we’ve had four PMs, at least as many aviation-responsible ministers, four CASA directors, and by now something well over $200 million in ongoing costs. CASA’s legal department has grown, shrunk, and is now growing again, but the sheltered regulatory review workshop proudly sails on through dark, uncharted waters, seemingly still attached by a long mooring line to its point of departure.

Every few years we’re told that the task is almost ended, but the end seems no closer. Depending on who you listen to the villains include lack of consultation, excessive consultation, lack of direction, political interference, political disinterest, management and organisation structure changes, bureaucratic intervention, and bureaucratic inertia. The program however continues to set new records.

We’re told that the US FAR Part 43 is something like 20 pages, and the NZ equivalent where they use the same size A5 paper, runs to about 32 pages. Our sources say our FAR Part 42, the equivalent, is running to 162 A4 pages, which would probably be somewhere between 250 and 300 A5 pages. One observer notes that at least this week our harmonisation seems to be leaning towards the FAA, because recent press releases and CEO comments are now spelling harmonisation with a Z.

High safety standards indeed!



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